Winning at Slots

Many websites are trying to tell you the secrets to winning at slots, is that true that you can find the slots tips and strategies to really win at slots?

1. The longer you play the slots, the more likely you are to win?
2. Playing at the same slot machine will increase the chance to win?
3. Playing different slot machines increases your chances of winning?
4. A warm slot machine is likely to pay out soon?
5. You'll win your money back if you just keep playing?
6. Pulling the arm or click the button at just the right time can help you win?

The answer of each above question is No, there are no secret methods to improve your chances of winning at slots. In fact, every play on a slot machine has a random outcome. That means there is no way to predict the outcome of any play, no matter how you play and when you play. Believing otherwise raises the risk that your gambling could become a problem.

Always to bet on maximum will increase the winning chance?

Yes and No, you will have to read the instructions first, some slot machines or online slots only allow the maximum bets to eligible for the progressive jackpot, if you are placing only one coin bet, it won't go to the progressive jackpot pool. There is nothing worse than seeing the jackpot combination line up and then discover you didn't insert enough coins to qualify for the big payoff. Always read the instruction first to ensure how many coins to insert for the maximum payout, again, the winning is random, no strategies, most of the casinos will put less payouts for the maximum bets since a small amount of each bet will be contributed to the jackpot pool.

Slot Machines and Online Slots on Slots Mama is designed to have much higher payout rate than the real land-based casinos or online casino slots. We understand that playing slots is fun and exciting, as long as you know the facts and treat it as entertainment.